
  • RIGGS: Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Business

    Journal title : Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Business (RIGGS)
    Initials : RIGGS
    Frequency : 2 issues per Year
    P-ISSN : 2963-9298
    E-ISSN : 2963-914X
    Editor in Chief : Arif Mudi Priyatno, S.T., M.Kom.
    Publisher : Department of Digital Business, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai
    Fee of Charge : Free

    Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Business (RIGGS) is published by the Department of Digital Business, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai in helping academics, researchers, and practitioners to disseminate their research results. RIGGS is a blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing quality research results in the fields of business and engineering. All publications in the RIGGS Journal are open access which allows articles to be available online for free without any subscription.

    RIGGS is a national journal with e-ISSN: 2963-914X, and is free of charge in the submission process and review process. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Business (RIGGS) publishes articles periodically twice a year, in January and July.

    RIGGS uses Turnitin plagiarism checks, Mendeley for reference management and supported by Crossref (DOI) for identification of scientific paper.

  • Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary on Social and Technology

    Journal title : Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary on Social and Technology
    Index Google Scholar, Garuda,
    Frequency : 3 issues per Year
    P-ISSN : 2986-6790
    E-ISSN : 2986-6782
    Editor in Chief : Arif Mudi Priyatno, S.T., M.Kom.
    Publisher : Ilmu Data Indonesia Research Institute, PT Ilmu Data Indonesia
    Fee of Charge : Rp. 150,000,-

    Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary on Social and Technology diterbitkan oleh Ilmu Data Indonesia Research Institute, PT Ilmu Data Indonesia dalam membantu para akademisi, peneliti, dan praktisi untuk menyebarluaskan hasil penelitiannya. IJMST adalah jurnal peer-review yang didedikasikan untuk menerbitkan hasil penelitian berkualitas di bidang Multidisiplin Sosial dan Teknologi. Semua publikasi di Jurnal IJMST bersifat open access yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia online secara gratis tanpa berlangganan.

    IJMST adalah jurnal nasional dengan e-ISSN: 2986-6782, dan dipungut biaya dalam proses pengajuan dan proses review. IJMST menerbitkan artikel secara berkala dua kali setahun, pada bulan Februari, Juni, dan Oktober.

    IJMST menggunakan pemeriksaan plagiarisme Turnitin, Mendeley untuk manajemen referensi dan didukung oleh Crossref (DOI) untuk identifikasi karya ilmiah.